Month: April 24, 1983 11:44 am

October 1932 During the month of October in 1932, the pages of Svoboda carried only a few news items about…...

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(The Ukrainian Weekly, March 20, 1983, No. 12, Vol. LI) Mr. Chamberlin was the Christian Science Monitor’s Moscow corespondent for…...

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September 1932 On September 3, 1932, Svoboda received news from Moscow that the Soviet press had started a campaign against…...

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August 16-31, 1932 The headlines in the August 16, 1932 Svoboda read: “Famine in Ukraine Drives People to Death.” Reports…...

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August 1-15, 1932 On August 3, 1932, Svoboda received news from Rivne in the Volhynia region, then under Polish rule,…...

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