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A question for American lawmakers about Ukraine Imagine that freedom was in decline around the world. Imagine that things had…...

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A history lesson about the “Halychyna” division penned by Askold Lozynsky (“A history lesson,” published in the October 8 edition…...

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The territory of today’s Ukraine in the 20th century during the inter-world war period was split essentially between a repressive…...

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It’s an old cliché: Information is power. So, too, is disinformation. In the face of disinformation, silence and cowardice can…...

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On Wednesday, September 6, at 12:30 in the afternoon, the Ukrainian heart of Larissa Lozynskyj Kyj stopped beating. She succumbed…...

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On August 24, Ukrainians throughout the world will celebrate 32 years of independence. Independence anniversaries are celebrated annually in many…...

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I hated her the first time I saw her. That was in 1989. It was definitely not a case of…...

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Since Russian President Vladimir Putin launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the advocacy team at the nonprofit…...

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